Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands has a population of 2,841 people, Falkland Islands's capital city is Stanley and largest city Stanley.

Falkland Islands personel income per capita $55,400 (7th), jobless rate and its currency Falkland Islands pound (FKP) . Falkland Islands official languages and mostly spoken dialects are English, ethnics groups : 61.0% Falkland Islander, 29.0% British, 2.6% Spanish, 0.6% Japanese, 6.5% Chilean / others.

Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands Flag Where is Falkland Islands in the World
  • Capital : Stanley
  • Population : 2,841
  • GDP : $75 million (223rd)
  • Per Capita : $55,400 (7th)
  • Calling Code : +500
  • Jobless Rate :
  • Area : 12,173 km2 (162nd) 4,700 sq mi
  • Largest City : Stanley
  • President : Nigel Haywood
  • Prime Minister : Keith Padgett
  • Currency : Falkland Islands pound (FKP)
  • Time Zone : -4
  • Internet Ext. : .fk
  • Inflation Rate :
  • Interest Rate :
  • Debt GDP :
  • Languages : English
  • Ethnicity : 61.0% Falkland Islander, 29.0% British, 2.6% Spanish, 0.6% Japanese, 6.5% Chilean / others

Click for Falkland Islands Map!

Falkland Islands has 12,173 km2 (162nd) 4,700 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $75 million (223rd). Falkland Islands president Nigel Haywood and prime minister Keith Padgett.

Falkland Islands Economy

Falkland Islands GDP : $75 million (223rd), Per Capita : $55,400 (7th)
Jobless Rate : , Currency : Falkland Islands pound (FKP)
Inflation Rate : , Interest Rate :
Debt GDP : , Internet Ext. : .fk
Calling Code : +500 , Time Zone : -4

Where is Falkland Islands & Map of Falkland Islands

Map of Falkland Islands
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Falkland Islands Demographics & Ethnicity

Falkland Islands Population : 2,841, Area : 12,173 km2 (162nd) 4,700 sq mi
Falkland Islands Capital : Stanley, Largest City : Stanley
Languages : English, Ethnicity : 61.0% Falkland Islander, 29.0% British, 2.6% Spanish, 0.6% Japanese, 6.5% Chilean / others.

Falkland Islands Goverment & Military

Falkland Islands President : Nigel Haywood, Prime Minister : Keith Padgett

Falkland Islands Religion & Culture

Falkland Islands History

Falkland Islands Geography & Climate

Falkland Islands Largest Cities

Salvador Map - Fox Bay East Map - Hill Cove Map -

A Collection of Falkland Islands Images, Photos and Maps

Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands
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Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands
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falkland islands

falkland islands
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Falkland Islands emblem

Falkland Islands emblem
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Falkland Islands flag

Falkland Islands flag
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falklands islands port stanley

falklands islands port stanley
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map of falkland islands

map of falkland islands
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Stanley Falkland Islands

Stanley Falkland Islands
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where is Falkland Islands

where is Falkland Islands
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Largest Cities' Map of Falkland Islands

Salvador Map
Hill Cove Map
Fox Bay East Map