Kuwait has a population of 2,818,042 people, Kuwait's capital city is Kuwait City and largest city Kuwait City.
Kuwait personel income per capita $65,826 (8th), jobless rate 2.00% and its currency Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) . Kuwait official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Arabic, ethnics groups : 33.9% Kuwaiti Arab, 45.9% Other Arab, 13.5% South / East Asian, 4.8% European / American, 1.9% Iranian.
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- Capital : Kuwait City
- Population : 2,818,042
- GDP : $185.500 billion (52nd)
- Per Capita : $65,826 (8th)
- Calling Code : +965
- Jobless Rate : 2.72%
- Area : 17,820 km2 (157th) 6,880 sq mi
- Largest City : Kuwait City
- President : Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
- Prime Minister : Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah
- Currency : Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
- Time Zone : +3
- Internet Ext. : .kw
- Inflation Rate : 2.90%
- Interest Rate : 2.00%
- Debt GDP : 7.35%
- Languages : Arabic
- Ethnicity : 33.9% Kuwaiti Arab, 45.9% Other Arab, 13.5% South / East Asian, 4.8% European / American, 1.9% Iranian
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Kuwait has 17,820 km2 (157th) 6,880 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $185.500 billion (52nd). Kuwait president Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and prime minister Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.Kuwait Economy
Kuwait GDP : $185.500 billion (52nd), Per Capita : $65,826 (8th)
Jobless Rate : 2.72% , Currency : Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
Inflation Rate : 2.90% , Interest Rate : 2.00%
Debt GDP : 7.35% , Internet Ext. : .kw
Calling Code : +965 , Time Zone : +3
Jobless Rate : 2.72% , Currency : Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
Inflation Rate : 2.90% , Interest Rate : 2.00%
Debt GDP : 7.35% , Internet Ext. : .kw
Calling Code : +965 , Time Zone : +3
Kuwait Geography & Climate
Kuwait Demographics & Ethnicity
Kuwait Population : 2,818,042, Area : 17,820 km2 (157th) 6,880 sq mi
Kuwait Capital : Kuwait City, Largest City : Kuwait City
Languages : Arabic, Ethnicity : 33.9% Kuwaiti Arab, 45.9% Other Arab, 13.5% South / East Asian, 4.8% European / American, 1.9% Iranian.
Kuwait Capital : Kuwait City, Largest City : Kuwait City
Languages : Arabic, Ethnicity : 33.9% Kuwaiti Arab, 45.9% Other Arab, 13.5% South / East Asian, 4.8% European / American, 1.9% Iranian.
Kuwait Goverment & Military
Kuwait President : Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Prime Minister : Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah
Kuwait Religion & Culture
Where is Kuwait & Map of Kuwait
A Collection of Kuwait Images, Photos and Maps
alhamra tower Kuwait
Grand Mosque of Kuwait
Kuwait City View
Kuwait City
Kuwait gate
Kuwait City
Kuwait city
Kuwait city center
Kuwait City Downtown
Kuwait City Skylines
Kuwait emblem
Kuwait flag
Kuwait skyscrapers
kuwait towers
map of Kuwait
Mubarak Al Sabah of Kuwait
where is Kuwait
Kuwait Largest Cities
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