Nepal has a population of 26,494,504 people, Nepal's capital city is Kathmandu and largest city Kathmandu.
Nepal personel income per capita $623.624, jobless rate 8.00% and its currency Nepalese rupee (NPR) . Nepal official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Nepali, , Bhasa, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Gurung, Tamang, Magar, Awadhi, Sherpa, Kiranti, Limbu, ethnics groups : Nepali.
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- Capital : Kathmandu
- Population : 26,494,504
- GDP : $17.921 billion
- Per Capita : $623.624
- Calling Code : +977
- Jobless Rate : 3.00%
- Area : 147,181 km2 (95th) 56,827 sq mi
- Largest City : Kathmandu
- President : Ram Baran Yadav
- Prime Minister : Baburam Bhattarai
- Currency : Nepalese rupee (NPR)
- Time Zone : +5.45
- Internet Ext. : .np
- Inflation Rate : 9.95%
- Interest Rate : 8.00%
- Debt GDP : 32.50%
- Languages : Nepali, , Bhasa, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Gurung, Tamang, Magar, Awadhi, Sherpa, Kiranti, Limbu
- Ethnicity : Nepali
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Nepal has 147,181 km2 (95th) 56,827 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $17.921 billion. Nepal president Ram Baran Yadav and prime minister Baburam Bhattarai.Nepal Economy
Nepal GDP : $17.921 billion, Per Capita : $623.624
Jobless Rate : 3.00% , Currency : Nepalese rupee (NPR)
Inflation Rate : 9.95% , Interest Rate : 8.00%
Debt GDP : 32.50% , Internet Ext. : .np
Calling Code : +977 , Time Zone : +5.45
Jobless Rate : 3.00% , Currency : Nepalese rupee (NPR)
Inflation Rate : 9.95% , Interest Rate : 8.00%
Debt GDP : 32.50% , Internet Ext. : .np
Calling Code : +977 , Time Zone : +5.45
Nepal Geography & Climate
Nepal Demographics & Ethnicity
Nepal Population : 26,494,504, Area : 147,181 km2 (95th) 56,827 sq mi
Nepal Capital : Kathmandu, Largest City : Kathmandu
Languages : Nepali, , Bhasa, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Gurung, Tamang, Magar, Awadhi, Sherpa, Kiranti, Limbu, Ethnicity : Nepali.
Nepal Capital : Kathmandu, Largest City : Kathmandu
Languages : Nepali, , Bhasa, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tharu, Gurung, Tamang, Magar, Awadhi, Sherpa, Kiranti, Limbu, Ethnicity : Nepali.
Nepal Goverment & Military
Nepal President : Ram Baran Yadav, Prime Minister : Baburam Bhattarai
Nepal Religion & Culture
Where is Nepal & Map of Nepal
A Collection of Nepal Images, Photos and Maps
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