Palau has a population of 20,956 people, Palau's capital city is Ngerulmud and largest city Koror.
Palau personel income per capita $8,100, jobless rate and its currency United States dollar (USD) . Palau official languages and mostly spoken dialects are English, Palauan, Japanese (in Angaur), Sonsorolese (in Sonsoral), Tobian (in Hatohobei), ethnics groups : 69.9% Palauan, 15.3% Filipino, 4.9% Chinese, 2.4% other Asian, 1.9% White, 1.4% Carolinian, 1.1% other Micronesian, 3.2% other / unspecified.
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- Capital : Ngerulmud
- Population : 20,956
- GDP : $164 million
- Per Capita : $8,100
- Calling Code : +680
- Jobless Rate :
- Area : 459 km2 (196th) 177 sq mi
- Largest City : Koror
- President : Tommy Remengesau
- Prime Minister : Antonio Bells
- Currency : United States dollar (USD)
- Time Zone : +9
- Internet Ext. : .pw
- Inflation Rate :
- Interest Rate :
- Debt GDP :
- Languages : English, Palauan, Japanese (in Angaur), Sonsorolese (in Sonsoral), Tobian (in Hatohobei)
- Ethnicity : 69.9% Palauan, 15.3% Filipino, 4.9% Chinese, 2.4% other Asian, 1.9% White, 1.4% Carolinian, 1.1% other Micronesian, 3.2% other / unspecified
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Palau has 459 km2 (196th) 177 sq mi, its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $164 million. Palau president Tommy Remengesau and prime minister Antonio Bells.Palau Economy
Palau GDP : $164 million, Per Capita : $8,100
Jobless Rate : , Currency : United States dollar (USD)
Inflation Rate : , Interest Rate :
Debt GDP : , Internet Ext. : .pw
Calling Code : +680 , Time Zone : +9
Jobless Rate : , Currency : United States dollar (USD)
Inflation Rate : , Interest Rate :
Debt GDP : , Internet Ext. : .pw
Calling Code : +680 , Time Zone : +9
Palau Geography & Climate
Palau Demographics & Ethnicity
Palau Population : 20,956, Area : 459 km2 (196th) 177 sq mi
Palau Capital : Ngerulmud, Largest City : Koror
Languages : English, Palauan, Japanese (in Angaur), Sonsorolese (in Sonsoral), Tobian (in Hatohobei), Ethnicity : 69.9% Palauan, 15.3% Filipino, 4.9% Chinese, 2.4% other Asian, 1.9% White, 1.4% Carolinian, 1.1% other Micronesian, 3.2% other / unspecified.
Palau Capital : Ngerulmud, Largest City : Koror
Languages : English, Palauan, Japanese (in Angaur), Sonsorolese (in Sonsoral), Tobian (in Hatohobei), Ethnicity : 69.9% Palauan, 15.3% Filipino, 4.9% Chinese, 2.4% other Asian, 1.9% White, 1.4% Carolinian, 1.1% other Micronesian, 3.2% other / unspecified.
Palau Goverment & Military
Palau President : Tommy Remengesau, Prime Minister : Antonio Bells
Palau Religion & Culture
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