Ankara with a history that dates back to the Bronze Age Hatti civilization, which was succeeded in the 2nd millennium BC by the Hittites, in the 10th century BC by the Phrygians, then by the Lydians and Persians, was declared capital of the Republic of Turkey on Oct 13th 1923
The history of Ankara can be traced back to the Bronze Age Hatti civilization, which was succeeded in the 2nd millennium BC by the Hittites, in the 10th century BC by the Phrygians, then by the Lydians and Persians. It is probable that there was a Hittite settlement where Ankara castle is today and there are prehistoric mounds in several parts of the city. Early artefacts discovered in the capital date it at least to the Phrygian period, that is about 1000 BC. According to tradition,King Midas, the Phrygian monarch who turned everything he touched into gold, was born here. Phrygian rule was succeeded by Lydian and then by Persian rule, though the strongly Phrygian character of the peasantry is evident from gravestones of the Roman period. It was said to have been founded by Midas, was a chief place of the Galatians (Gallic conquerors of Asia Minor, c. 277 B.C.), and in imperial times a centre of great commercial importance. It is also famous for the official record of the Acts of Augustus, known as the "Monumentum Ancyranum," an inscription cut in marble on the walls of an ancient temple, several times copied and edited since the sixteenth century. The ruins of Ancyra furnish to-day valuable bas-reliefs, inscriptions and other architectural fragments. Throughout history Ankara has hosted following civilizations ; Persian Period, Galatian Period, Roman Period, Late Roman period, Christian Ancyra, Byzantine Period. Seljuk and Ottoman Periods In 1071 Seljuk Sultan Alparslan threw open the door to Anatolia for the Turks by his victory at Malazgirt. He then annexed Ankara, an important location for military transportation and natural resources, to Turkish territory in 1073. Orhan I, second "bey" of the Ottoman Empire captured the city in 1356. Another Turkic leader, Timur Lenk besieged Ankara as part of his campaign in Anatolia, but in 1403 Ankara was again under Ottoman control. Ankara the Capital of Turkish Republic: At the close of World War I, Turkey was under the control of the Ottoman sultan and having lost the war, was being shared by Greeks, French, British, and Italians. The leader of the Turkish nationalists, Kemal Atatürk established the headquarters of his resistance movement in Ankara in 1919 (See Treaty of Sèvres and Turkish War of Independence). After the War of Independence was won and the Ottoman Empire was dissolved, Turkey was declared a republic on October 29, 1923, Ankara having replaced Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) as the capital of the new Republic of Turkey on October 13, 1923. Ankara and the Republic of Turkey After Ankara became the capital of the newly founded Republic of Turkey, new development divided the city into an old section, called Ulus, and a new section, called Yenisehir. Ancient buildings reflecting Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman history and narrow winding streets mark the old section. The new section, now centered around Kizilay, has the trappings of a more modern city: wide streets, hotels, theaters, shopping malls, and high-rises. Government offices and foreign embassies are also located in the new section. Text Source : Wikipedia |
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