The population density of California Map

The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of California was 38,802,500 on July 1, 2014, a 4.16% increase since the 2010 United States Census.

Racial and ancestral makeup

According to the U.S. Census Bureau during the 2010 Census the population is (alone or in combination):[84]
  • 61.6% White (22,953,374)(57.6% single-race White)
  • 14.9% Asian (5,556,592)(13.0% single-race Asian)[85](Filipino 1,474,707; Chinese 1,349,111; Vietnamese 647,589; Indian 590,445; Korean 505,225; Japanese 428,014; Taiwanese 109,928; Cambodian 102,317)
  • 7.2% Black or African American (2,684,914)(6.2% single-race Black or African American)
  • 1.9% Native American and Alaska Native (723,225)(1.0% single-race Native American and Alaska Native)[85](Cherokee 92,246; Mexican American 66,424; Apache 24,799; Choctaw 23,403; Navajo 17,080)
  • 0.8% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (286,145)(0.4% single-race Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander)[85](Hawaiian 74,932; Samoan 60,876; Chamorro 44,425)
  • 37.6% are Hispanic or Latino (of any race) (14,013,719)[89] (19.3% White Hispanic or Latino, 0.9% Asian Hispanic or Latino, 0.7% Black Hispanic or Latino, 0.9% Native American Hispanic or Latino, 0.1% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino)

Largest Cities Map of California and Population

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