Belgium has a population of 11,041,266 people, Belgium's capital city is Brussels and largest city Brussels.
Belgium personel income per capita $46,878 (16th), jobless rate 0.75% and its currency Euro (€) (EUR) . Belgium official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Dutch, French, German, ethnics groups : .
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- Capital : Brussels
- Population : 11,041,266
- GDP : $513.396 billion (21st)
- Per Capita : $46,878 (16th)
- Calling Code : +32
- Jobless Rate : 7.40%
- Area : 30,528 km2 (139th) - 11,787 sq mi
- Largest City : Brussels
- President : Albert II
- Prime Minister : Elio Di Rupo
- Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
- Time Zone : +1
- Internet Ext. : .be
- Inflation Rate : 1.46%
- Interest Rate : 0.75%
- Debt GDP : 97.80%
- Languages : Dutch, French, German
- Ethnicity :
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Belgium has 30,528 km2 (139th) - 11,787 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $513.396 billion (21st). Belgium president Albert II and prime minister Elio Di Rupo.Belgium Economy
Belgium GDP : $513.396 billion (21st), Per Capita : $46,878 (16th)
Jobless Rate : 7.40% , Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
Inflation Rate : 1.46% , Interest Rate : 0.75%
Debt GDP : 97.80% , Internet Ext. : .be
Calling Code : +32 , Time Zone : +1
Jobless Rate : 7.40% , Currency : Euro (€) (EUR)
Inflation Rate : 1.46% , Interest Rate : 0.75%
Debt GDP : 97.80% , Internet Ext. : .be
Calling Code : +32 , Time Zone : +1
Belgium Geography & Climate
Belgium Demographics & Ethnicity
Belgium Population : 11,041,266, Area : 30,528 km2 (139th) - 11,787 sq mi
Belgium Capital : Brussels, Largest City : Brussels
Languages : Dutch, French, German, Ethnicity : .
Belgium Capital : Brussels, Largest City : Brussels
Languages : Dutch, French, German, Ethnicity : .
Belgium Goverment & Military
Belgium President : Albert II, Prime Minister : Elio Di Rupo
Belgium Religion & Culture
Where is Belgium & Map of Belgium
A Collection of Belgium Images, Photos and Maps
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Bruges Canals
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Bruxelles belgium
map of Belgium
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